The skills you need to be an animator and the pros and cons of the job

To be a successful animator, you need to possess a wide range of skills, but the most important skill is creativity. Anime is a very creative genre in the world of animation, surpassing content generated by Disney when it comes to creativity. This is because the content is created by very creative artists who are very passionate about sketching and drawing. Creativity forms the basis for anime and that is one of the major reasons why it is becoming very popular.
It takes creativity in order to be able to use images to tell a story that even kids can understand. It takes a lot of patience and a keen eye that is interested in details to be able to create anime. You will need to be meticulous in your work and have the skills to integrate 3D in your work if you want to be successful as an animator. You will need to use computer tools, physical and mathematics knowledge in order to generate visuals.
Skills of an animator
Like we have stated above, you need to be creative if you want to be a successful animator who creates anime that leave a lasting impression in the minds of the people who see it. You will also need to possess impeccable drawing skills and have computer literacy because the use of computer software is inevitable in the world of modern animation. Computer literacy is often not enough. You need to be familiar with graphics software, especially the latest versions.
Possessing skills that allow you to work as a team member is very important because you will always work in teams. You will be parts of a team where you will be assigned tasks that you must deliver on time. Thus, good time management skills are also important because you cannot afford to miss deadlines when you are working as part of a team.
Pros of being an animator
Working as an animator has its pros and cons. One of the pros is that animators usually make good money because there aren’t that many animators, especially anime animators. Since there aren’t that many animators, those that are available are able to dictated how much they want to be paid for the services they provide.
Secondly, working as an animator gives you the chance to work with teams on a wide range of projects. Every project you work on is usually a chance to learn something you didn’t know about before. As such, you get to hone your skills in different areas when you work with various teams on different projects.
When you work on certain projects, you become renowned for your works. Thus, if you are known for producing good animations, you will become known in the industry and that will make you earn even more money.
Cons for being a nonton anime animator
One of the main cons of being an animator is the fact that you have to work under very rigorous deadlines. You have to follow rule and demands of those above you in the chain of command.